Monday, 19 January 2009

Sometimes this "fame" thing is just too much for me, dahlings. Those bloody paparazzi. Speaking of which, it took me about two years to realize the irony in the Georgetown restaurant name Papa Razzi. I'm in the Honors program. 

ANYWAY, where was I before I so rudely interrupted myself? OH YES. I'm still alive, England is still here, and as far as I know the two nations haven't declared war on each other so all is well. Oh my god I just realized I was subconsciously jamming to Miley Cyrus. Sometimes I hate myself. 

I have been tourist extraordinaire for the past few days - museums, and sites, and restaurants, oh my! Especially noteworthy was when I went to the National Gallery and realized that scores of British schoolchildren were visiting, and spent half an hour or so just following them around. It would be so easy to take one! Not for nefarious reasons, you see.  I just want them to talk to me! It's soooo cute! He's soooo nice! Whatever happened to Paul Potts, anyway? As a complete side note, if someone performed an autopsy on me right now (what a morbid thought) I am positive that my entire body would be composed of Frosted Flakes. The grocer was having a sale for 89p and I feel it is my duty to prop up the economy in these bleak times, so I went a little crazy with the purchasing. Who said I couldn't cook?

Speaking of which (and I feel I should put this is chronological order, but it's so much more fun to make it stream of consciousness) I COOKED SATURDAY NIGHT! I made a delicious boeuf bourguignon with choucroute garnie and ile flottante for  desert. See, when I was at GW, I didn't like to flaunt my cooking skills for fear that I would be called upon to cook constantly, and I much prefer making Mr. Felker cook for me. I'm only kidding. To be honest I just googled "fancy French recipes" and picked the most foreign sounding foods. I actually cooked pasta and sauce, and the sauce was a little intimidating. But still, HOORAY FOR MEEE!! Then I went home and ate three bowls of Frosties. Who said I lack self-control?

Besides becoming the next Julia Child and/or tourist supreme, I've spent an extraordinary amount of time reading, viewing movies illegally online (Bride Wars: nerve-wracking. HOW WILL IT WORK OUT?! Revolutionary Road: makes me want to sit there and cry. But fab. Slumdog Millionaire: love to pieces), and such. I also have FINALLY been praised for being American - on the way to a bar on last Wednesday night, jweb and I were halted by a VERY drunk British student (so not creepy) and he was absolutely fascinated by the fact that we are American, or at least have very convincing accents. Yes that's right - we totally got KISSED ON THE CHEEK!! clear away, cobwebs! Then we discovered Wednesday nights at this particular establishment, the Brits like to dress like golfers and then dance to a combination of American music from the 1980s and British songs that are apparently wildly popular. There is in particular one British song that, as soon as it came on, every single male took off his shirt, danced around, then put it back on. Complete mystery. Is that how they took over so much of the world? Crazy buggers. Plus since it wasn't the Russian vodka dance performed by my two faves I was having none of it (would that be the correct name for said dance? or is that just how I interpret it?) 

Finally, as the picture at the top teased, I turned into crazy stalkergirl on Sunday and spent four hours standing in the cold to see KATE AND LEO! Reunited and it feels so good. Besides being groped about twenty thousand times by complete strangers crushing against me for a picture, I turned into an eleven year old as soon as Leo walked by. It was mildly pathetic, but very enjoyable. 

Following that weekend of fabulousness, I actually started my education in a British institution! It's about time they decided to educate me. Of course I only have eight hours of class a week and class ends on 27 March (with a week off in February). Completely strange. But I've decided to accept it, because I know secretly in the great rock-paper-scissors game of life, America beats Britain. wahaha.

An attempt at organization...
Monday: Development Geographies Policies and Livelihoods. Not entirely sure what I'll be learning about in this class... I think poor people in poor countries. Or something of the sort. No matter, it counts as a major requirement at GW. I'm sure that is an immense relief to you all.
Tuesday: no class, and I celebrated Inauguration as an American Londoner should - by taking advantage of "America Day" at Madame Tussands fo free! To be quite honest all the wax figures kind of frightened me. Who thought, "you know what? it would be absolutely amazing to sculpt scarily realistic wax representations of famous people. Along the way, let's be sure to include prominent nipples on Angelina Jolie." I tell no lies. I continued with my being all culture and crap or something like that by attending le OPERA! Paid for courtesy of GW (and my 52K a year, but I'm ignoring that fact). Turandot, dahlings. Don't ask me to tell you what it's about. I will say 1) I really do enjoy opera - future husband(s) please take note. and 2) This was the opera with Nessun Dorma, one of my faves SUNG (he's soooo nice! and for those counting, this brings my Paul Potts references up to TWO this entry. Seriously, WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!). Nosebleed seats but I remembered to brush my hair so I looked classy. 
Wednesday: no class (ahaha my schedule is ridiculous). Escaped to Hogwarts, aka the library, in an attempt to bring structure into my life even though I have no required assignments, except to not look like a stupid American (fail). And of course Wednesday night was celebrated at the student union bar again, as it should. I swear to all the gods in the heavens, Brits are STRANGE. So Wednesday nights are Sports Nights, aka dress like a player of a certain sport, yes? Last week everyone was universally golf. This week there were some boxers... also sailors possibly? And... people dressed like fruit. Someone with green balloons pinned to her shirt. And someone dressed like a Pink Lady but with a necklace of half-eaten apples around her neck. I have three questions. 1) what the h was the theme?! 2) how do they all coordinate on the theme?! and 3) again, is that how most of the world was conquered? 
Thursday: Roman Britain. Fake students (aka Junior Year Abroaders) get to escape from sitting the exam and we just have to write two 2500 word essays due by May 1st. I may or may not have already started. 

By the way, if anyone has any idea at ALL of what towns one should hit in Europe between Germany/Austria and Switzerland that wouldn't involve spending ten hours on a train, please do let me know. 
And here we are... I realize this is exceptionally long but that's what you get when you write an entry slowly over the entire week. Lack of coherency. Also my mind in general is quite muddled. 

Now if you'll excuse me, the Hawaiian version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow just came up on my iTunes. I need to put on my coconut bra and sway to the beat. 

1 comment:

  1. hi love -

    I feel the need to educate you and other readers of this lovely blog on british life. bc I know all. duh.

    1. when people dress up in strange costumes, it's called "fancy dress". incorporate this phrase into your life. it's the bomb digity.

    2. british uni is lots of work, you just go to the poly on the strand.

